Very interesting, Terry. Thanks for posting this.
under the radar
JoinedPosts by under the radar
TWO MEN who changed Watchtower History but YOU NEVER HEARD of them!
by TerryWalstrom intwo men who changed watchtower history but you never heard of them!
cults are famous for control--especially controlling information about people, places and events which are embarrassing to their self-myths.. especially is this true for two important figures in watchtower history.. .
the first man is william f. hudgings.
What is Critical Thinking? (Not the distorted view the society teaches)
by stuckinarut2 in
this great video explains what critical thinking really is, and why it is a skill all humans need to employ in daily life.. the expression had been distorted by the society to something that is negative or wrong, yet that is far from the case.....
under the radar
Excellent video!
Dead Sea Scrolls
by TheWonderofYou inpin sharp pictures of the dead sea scrolls.
under the radar
Thank you for sharing this. It's so admirable that these historical documents are being preserved and made available to the general public.
happy birthday.
by zeb injust finished a walk today i came onto a happy family group of all the generations celebrating a tiny ones birthday.
they all sang ..happy birthday and i sang with my bass baritone the chorus, .."why was she born so beautiful why was she born at all.." silly words but they are happy words.
the family cheered their pleasure at this outsider joining in.
under the radar
Happy birthday to you both! What a wonderful attitude you have. You have love and warm wishes for someone you've never even met, just, well, because. The world is a better place with people like you.
Update on My Journey: 8 Years After the End of Watchtower Control
by passwordprotected ini last updated you guys almost 2 years ago here.. i thought i'd post an update.. the peace i discovered having decided to let the angst, worry and fear over what to believe is as strong as ever, although i am keeping more abreast of what (formerly known as wtbts) is up to, and i never cease to be shocked and surprised.. as my last post mentioned, i split from the jw girl i married in 1993 and both of us have moved on with new partners that better fit who we are as grown adults, rather than the children we were 23 years ago.. my partner has no religious background whatsoever, although her children are being raised as catholics by their father.
hearing her kids openly doubt, question and even ridicule the religion is heartwarming and exactly the way it should be.. as for my children, they continue to be a never-ending stream of joy and pride.. my oldest son is now 16, having been only 8 years old when we left the watchtower.
he had big anxiety problems for a while afterwards, worrying about armageddon etc.
under the radar
So happy for you. Your kids are turning out great, and you can justifiably be proud of them and the role you had helping them along.
Please take care of your health. You know you want to be around for graduations and weddings and grandchildren far into the future, so be a good boy and do what your doc says.
Thank you so much for the update.
Green Burial
by Xanthippe inso my cousin gave up her fight against bowel cancer a couple of weeks ago.
yesterday was the funeral.
i haven't experienced a green burial before.
under the radar
Xanthippe, your post about your cousin's passing and funeral was touching. Very well done. You have quite a way with words.
Thank you so much for sharing your story. I like the idea of a green burial. It seems so "respectful," much more so than some of the almost grotesque funeral customs I'm more familiar with.
I lost my own niece to bowel cancer only a couple of years ago. 34 years old, married with 3 kids. So sad. Cancer is such a horrible, horrible disease.
My best to you and yours as you deal with your loss. Positive thoughts coming your way.
"Just don't overthink the truth"
by stuckinarut2 inso after almost a year of complete inactivity and non attendance, i ran into a nice brother from the local congregation.. after some nice chit-chat, he says "we really miss you and your were always the kind and supportive one, the approachable and encouraging one in the congregation.
your absence has confused so many".
i thanked him and said "oh no, no individual has stumbled us.
under the radar
I know I'm not the only one here who was told, "You're too smart for your own good" more than once. And they didn't mean it in a good way, either.
Has anyone been outed by jw health care workers?
by purrpurr incarrying on from audespare thread.
i was wondering how common it is for a sinner/apostate to be outed by a babbling jw care worker?
say you went to your dr because you were pregnant and unmarried or wanting counseling for having to live a double life as a pretend jw... and a jw secretary at the drs office saw this on your file and went tattling to the elders?.
under the radar
Hey Scully! I went back and read your entire essay. Excellent work!
I seem to remember a very similar article published in the Journal of Church and State several years back. Was this your article as well?
Has anyone been outed by jw health care workers?
by purrpurr incarrying on from audespare thread.
i was wondering how common it is for a sinner/apostate to be outed by a babbling jw care worker?
say you went to your dr because you were pregnant and unmarried or wanting counseling for having to live a double life as a pretend jw... and a jw secretary at the drs office saw this on your file and went tattling to the elders?.
under the radar
I agree with all the above who posted that Sharon/Mary should have minded her own blanking business and deserves whatever happened to her.
Reporting people to "authorities" for personal conduct that poses no danger to others, especially when there is a legitimate expectation of privacy, and doubly when it involves personal medical issues, is nothing less than a betrayal and an elevation of one's own beliefs over the rights and beliefs of another. Many a totalitarian regime has used this to gain and hold power over the masses. Many a cult has done the same.
I hope the lady who sued won, and won big.
FYI My JW mom and Alzheimer's
by scary21 inone year ago today my mom passed away.
she was 91 years old.
it has been really hard on me because i never expected what happened, to.have happened.
under the radar
Alzheimer's or even progressive dementia can cause dramatic, unexplainable, and unpredictable changes in the victim's outlook and personality. If this animus towards you and your sister began after your mom began feeling the effects of her disease, maybe you can chalk it up to the disease itself and choose to believe that it doesn't reflect how your mom would have felt if she had been in her right mind.
Just because she recognized you and had certain memories of you doesn't mean her attitude towards you wasn't entirely due to the ravages of her disease. I have an elderly maternal uncle to whom this is happening right now. He has dementia, not Alzheimer's, but at this stage it's more of a distinction that a difference. His sister- and brother-in-law have bent over backward for years to help him and my aunt out in numerous ways. They have gone way beyond the call of duty or even familial love. But in the last year or so, my uncle has acquired an almost venomous hatred of his brother-in-law, for absolutely no reason whatsoever. When they come over to visit or, more often, help out, my uncle sulks in silence, clenching his jaw and fists, and glaring holes through the man. Again, there is no justification whatsoever. My uncle accuses him of all sorts of terrible things and even denies that he ever had the long and successful career that he most certainly did. No amount of explanation and proof that they were the best of friends for years does any good. But we all know that my uncle would never feel or act this way if he were in his right mind. Alzheimer's and dementia can be expressed in a myriad of subtle and contradictory ways, besides the obvious and expected symptoms. They are a true scourge of humanity.
This could well have been what was going on with your mom. Maybe it will help you and your sister feel better if you can find it your hearts to give her the benefit of the doubt, and choose to remember her as the mom she was before she was attacked by this horrible disease.
I am so sorry for what happened to you and your family, and wish you only the best. Hang in there. You are not alone.